Welcome to the Warrensburg-Latham Senior Sendoff

A spring formal dance celebration in honor of our seniors after an incredibly difficult year. We have an exciting event planned - featuring a a dance, food vendors (like Notorious P.I.G., Pepsi, & Mr. Softee and more!), complimentary photos, swag bags and door prizes. We want our seniors to have a fun and memorable event as they end their high school careers.

We would love for this event to be a success for our juniors and seniors, but we need your help!

Communication: Because this is NOT an official school event, we need to "pass it on" to all Junior and Senior families. 
Please message us with names to be included, and we will make certain to send an invite to our FB group.  We don't want anyone left out!

Funding & Support: Additionally, we are asking that any families with a student planning to attend consider a donation.  Prior to COVID, numerous fundraisers would have been planned to help make Prom a success.  Now, we have no mums to sell or gift wrap to buy, but if you are financially able, we encourage you to give!  Any amount will help us meet our goal and provide a fantastic event for our upperclassmen! 


about the event


Saturday, May 8, 2021
7-10 PM

(shuttles will start at 6:30 PM)


Warrensburg-Latham Upperclassmen
Juniors & Seniors and their “Plus One”


750 S. Gravel Pit Road
(Residence of Doug & Rachele Martin)
Event will be held outdoors and kids will float between a 40’x60’ lighted tent as well as a 40’x60’ open air building.


Donations and Volunteers needed and welcome!

Donate via PayPal

Donate via Venmo

Volunteer to help set up or Chaperone